If the sea was always calm, you would never build a better boat.
You are the expert on yourself.
In joining my clients on their therapy journey, I think of myself as a fresh set of eyes and an available set of tools with instructions. You have been with you for literally your whole life. Moving forward in models or plans that aren’t a good fit- that doesn’t serve anyone. I keep clients active throughout treatment planning to be sure that we find an approach that works for each individual. My educational and partnership approach keeps clients up to speed and in the driver’s seat as they evolve and as needs change. Therapy isn’t something done to someone. It is done by the self with the support of a knowledgeable and attuned professional.
The goal of therapy is sustainability.
I believe that the goal of all therapy is to achieve personal sustainability. I hope for all of my clients that they grow out of the need for my services by building their resources, both internal and external, so that they have the energy and resilience to manage anything that comes their way. In this age where some feel like self-care is a dirty word, so many of us need to re-learn how to attune to ourselves. We need to give ourselves permission to care for ourselves, set boundaries, and feel our feelings.
There’s no wrong time for growth.
Life can and will challenge us. Some people seek out therapy when a difficult life event initiates a need. That may be a loss, transition, or acute trauma. Other times we are called to the work by something more gradual, maybe an unmet need that we can’t quite put our finger on yet. I believe that there is no wrong time for therapy and it would be my privilege to accompany you on any part of your personal journey, big or small.

Try a session for free and see if it’s right for you.
There’s no commitment, pressure, or obligation.